Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Your favorite....

Episode of Mad Men-
Mistress of Don-

My favorite episode is a question that I can't even answer. If there was a gun to my head(Couples Retreat style) I would choose the season finale of season 2 and 3(I'm sorry I can't pick just one!). Betty finding out shes pregnant, Peggy admitting she was pregant to Pete, Sterling Cooper being sold, and Don finnally coming back from California really just made a fantastic episode. But at the same time, the finale of season 3 when  that song("Shahdaroba" - Roy Orbison) is playing as Don is walking into his new life and new apartment- I almost want to cry at how good that scene was.

My favorite child of the show is Sally Draper. When she has her own story lines they are great and when she's just there she's great! In season 2 when she was watching Don shave and all she said was "I won't talk so you don't get cut", that line made the episode! Who cares about Bobbie Barret, Don may have told her not to talk but it's not until Sally says that line that what he said to Bobbie really makes sense to me. He just wants all his women to shut up! But little Sally is going to make it known that she plans on shutting up before she actually does it.

My favorite client is Topaz pantyhose. Peggy took the inicitive to not only get them signed as a client but she also did the creative work. I think that I like them the best because they were open to a woman signing them on and to her doing the creative. I like open minded people.

My Favorite mistress of Don's was Rachel Menken. They had a lot in common and I think they complimented each other well. They are both such hard working individuals that I think they really could have made a real relationship work, especially since they would both be so busy working, by the time they see each other it would be like a treat!

So people out there reading, tell me your favorites! If I get enough answers I'm going to make some charts!

1 comment:

  1. Favorite Episode: When Don fires (or at least attempts to) Pete Campbell. He finally put that kid in his place.

    Favorite Child: I do like Sally, but the really bratty way that she dealt with both her grandfather's death and her parent's divorce just made her seem very annoying.

    Favorite Client: Even though it wasn't for long, I loved the relationship that Don had with Conrad Hilton. I think that they gained a lot from each other and I was definitely sorry to see him end the relationship. I think that they were mutually beneficial to each other and a lot more could have come from it.

    Favorite mistress: I honestly didn't like any of his mistresses. Betty Draper was the perfect package, why would you ever mess around and risk losing that? If i had to pick one though, I would pick the school teacher that he was hooking up with. She just seemed so free spirited and fun, unlike most of the other people that are on the show.
