Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Wheel- Kodak

Sorry for the delay in post my loyal followers(if there are any of you!), but my poor laptop was with the Geek Squad for 13 days. You must be thinking that I could get on the internet from anywhere, and thats true but this post is very important to me. It was actually the first post I ever wrote. This episode of Mad Men was what gave me the inspiration to start this blog. So alas, saved on my 2008 HP Pavilion was the post for this episode.

Here goes nothing!

Don used nostalgia to empathize with the Kodak people(and with his fellow employees). Everyone has a story and he told his. He showed pictures of him and Betty dating, their wedding, Betty pregnant, Sally and Bobby as babies, and then playing. He pulled at everyone’s heart strings. By the end of the meeting Harry is crying and everyone else is speechless. Kodak calls from the lobby. And for those of us who would like to relive Don Draper at what I consider the height of his pitching in season 1, here you go: Kodak Carousel

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