Friday, June 3, 2011

Is Social Media ruining your company’s productivity? If not, there’s a good chance in the future it will.

How many times during the work day do you check your social media presence? Because people don’t disconnect from an online chat quickly enough, get sidetracked by full email inboxes, and the worst distraction of all: Facebook, companies are hemorrhaging money. People are falling into the black hole I lovingly refer to as the Facebook Coma.

According to a recent survey by, the overload of new pictures, relationship statuses and of course the newsfeeds of all 2,000 of our closest friends is costing an average of $10,375 in productivity each year(per employee).

Between drinking, smoking, and flirting with secretaries- would there even be time in Don's day to get paid to tweet?

In a recent blog post titled “The Twitter Trap,” Bill Keller, the executive editor of The New York Times, writes about the challenges of staying focused. “The most obvious drawback of social media is that they are aggressive distractions.”

Do you think your one of the average workers who is basically paid thousands of dollars to keep up-to-date on your social networks?

In the 90’s being able to constantly monitor our friends and family via the World Wide Web seemed like the plot to a sci-fi movie, but today the range of content individuals have access to could literally bury us alive.

According to a recent blog post from Cisco Systems, we’re barely at the tip of this revolutionary iceberg. “In 2010, there were 12.5 billion devices connected to the Internet. Looking to the future, Cisco predicts there will be 25 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2015, and 50 billion by 2020. Both the types of information we share will dramatically increase, and the number of people from whom we can receive.”

Mashable predicts that the social networks and web companies that remember Cisco’s predictions will stand the best chance of success in the future. Well, to paraphrase Kate Winslet, “I’ll never let go of my Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, or Blogger accounts Jack!”

What do you think of the recent upgrades to the most popular social media sites? (Twitter searching by pictures, Facebooks new pages) Is there a social networking platform that you don’t think you could live without?

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